Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Dear Speakasians,

Dear Speakasians,
We are very happy to announce the distribution of all the rewards achieved by Speak Asians under various reward programmes. The process for same shall be as per the schedule given below:
  • Provogue Gift Voucher's: Provouge Gift Vouchers for the reward program Direct'ly on the TOP ( worth Rs. 10,000 ) are being sent to the HVP Distributors who will help in distributing these Gift vouchers Area Wise. The list of achievers will be displayed on the site along with detail of the distributor from whom they are supposed to collect the vouchers. All achievers are expected to contact and collect their gift Vouchers from the respective Distributor in their area. These vouchers then can be redeemed at the nearest Provouge store. (Click here to download the list of stores where the gift vouchers can be redeemed)
  • TVC Gift Article: Majority of panellists have already received their gifts . Many panellists have not confirmed the new gift which has to be replaced due to non availability of the originally ordered gift. The delivery of the same shall begin from 3rd of June 2011. The gifts are being door delivered at the addresses given by you in your SAOL profile. In case of any non receipt kindly feel free to call up the TVC help line no. given on their website : www.tvcskyshop.com
  • Lenovo Laptop: The vouchers will be sent to all winner who will collect the Laptops from delivery points of Lenovo from 20th June onwards. The details of the delivery points will be communicated shortly.
  • Singapore Trip: The Trip has been planned in the First week of July. All the qualified panelists shall shortly receive a mail on their email id's as given on the SAOL profile. This mail shall have details of the documents to be submitted and the address. There after all interested panelist shall have to be prepared to send the passport to the travel agent by 15th June. This will help to obtain the VISA by 30th June 2011. Likely date of travel is 7th July 2011.
  • Mobile Phone: Google Android based touch screen smart phones shall start reaching the panellists from 3rd week of June. Kindly be informed that there are more than 50,000 phone to be distributed hence it is a time and effort consuming process. 4500 phones shall be door delivered on a weekly basis to assure completion . The panellists shall receive it in the order of qualification from the start date of reward programme.
  • TV Sets: As committed, the order for the TV sets have been placed. There is good news and we are sure the panellists are sure to appreciate that instead of 32" LCD TV the paneliests will receive 32" LED TV and the Distribution of TV sets will begin in the first week of July.
  • Cars: The car achievers are requested to forward the details of the nearest car distributors of the category achieved via their area managers.
Please note that the 'Send Me Cash' requests made during the period 13th May 2011 – till date have been reverted and added back to the Ewallet or Survey Ewallet of the ID .
Team SpeakAsia

Friday, 20 May 2011

RBI Clearance To SpeakAsia - BREAKING NEWS

=> Government has confirmed and congratulated SpeakAsia management for the wonderful and Innovative Business model and have assured that they will directly be dealing and guiding speakasia business model in couple of weeks. Stay tuned...........
=> RBI Clears SpeakAsia RBI, SEBI, Ministry Of Corporate Affairs and PMO have given their clearance to SpeakAsia Stay Tuned For Official Communication - We have WON \m/ RBI - Reserve Bank Of India SEBI - Securities & Exchange Board of India MCA - Ministry Of Corporate Affairs PMO - Prime Minister Office

Speak Asia Has Written To Prime Minister

Headlines Today is going to air another program at 9pm today - Please Do NOT Miss This Program - Please Watch This. This is the 1st time now government is involved in investigation and Ministry of Company Affairs orders immediate probe. MCA Secy tells HT, MNC being investigated.
  • Panelists from SpeakAsia, company CEO, experts from RBI, ED, corporate & IT lawyers will be joining for this conference at 9:00 PM on Headlines Today.
  • SpeakAsia has written to the Prime Minister of India as well and have asked all required authorities to be there where SAOL can explain SAOL Business Model as this has been misunderstood completely.
  • Speakasia is also going to appeal in High Court for stay on all these rumors against all these channels.

StarPanel WORKING towards giving more surveys to its panelist. We ofcourse understand what WORK they are doing.

Another Astonishing Findings About StarPanel ----------------- StarPanel agrees/accepts/realizes that they are not able to keep their panel members happy ------------------- While giving the URL of their own survey company, where are they masking their URL ?????? ------------------- When spoken about Star News why do they say "A News Channel" and "Their Page" - refer red underlines ------------------- The irony is that during SpeakAsia press conference Star News too denied of having any survey company ------------------------------------------------------------------ Isn't This Fishy Enough ??????????????????


One Of The SpeakAsian's Letter To Our PM

Speak Asia Goa Fest News - Published in Times Of India (DelhiTimes) on 14th May This news was also published on TOI across nation.

Truth About Bata's relation With Speak Asia

Is Sony SCAM?? According to this certificate, if SpeakAsia is then Sony too is. Tell those Star News Reporters to stop using Sony and to show this on their news

Thursday, 19 May 2011

message from speak asia

Dear Speak Asian,
There are rumours going around being propagated by vested interest in Media about Speak Asia regarding the summons to CEO India – Mr Manoj Kumar and other key team members. Kindly note that these are totally baseless and unfound. We in fact wish to share with all Speak Asians that we have ourselves approached the concerned authorities for an audience to clarify our business model and dispel their doubts. We hope that the media behaves more responsibly and stops immediately such a negative and malicious campaign against the company and its people. As you all know, Mr. Manoj Kumar has just taken over ( on 15th May, 2011 ) as the CEO - India, kudos to him for leading from the front and taking on the media onslaught. We are positive that under the leadership of Mr. Kumar, Speak Asia will achieve continue to grow and greater heights.
Proud to be a Speak Asian.
Team Speak Asia

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

ये सब टी.आर.पी का खेल है ।

ये सब टी.आर.पी का खेल है ।
5/16/2011 12:00:00 AM
अमित गांधी, प्रधान संपादक। स्टार न्यूज़ चैनल T.R.P. और व्यावसायिक प्रतिस्पर्धा के लालच में 17 लाख लोगो के भविष्य के साथ खिलवाड़ करने से भी नहीं चूका ,स्टार  न्यूज़ ये सारी झूठी अफवाहे स्पीक एशिया के खिलाफ इस लिए फैला रहा है, क्यों की जल्दी ही स्टार न्यूज़ अपना नया सर्वे ग्रुप उतार रहा है , इसी लिए वो व्यावसायिक लाभ और T.R.P.  के लिए स्पीक एशिया जैसी बड़ी और भरोसेमंद  कंपनी पर चोट कर रहा है, जब की बाजार में सुर्वे करवाने वाली ऐसी कम से कम एक दर्जन कम्पनियां हैं ,और ऐसी कंपनियों के मालिक तक का कोई अता पता नहीं है, वास्तव में ये न्यूज़ चैनल्स अपने व्यावसायिक फायदे के लिए किसी भी हद  तक गिर सकते हैं , और अब इन पर सरकारी लगाम होना बहुत जरुरी है , स्टार न्यूज़ चैनल के पास लोगो की तमाम समस्यों को सरकार तक पहुचने के लिए 5 मिनट तक नहीं है , लेकिन स्पीक एशिया के खिलाफ लगातार 3 दिनों से एक ही न्यूज़ चलाई जा रही  है।
स्टार न्यूज़ का कहना है की Bata , Nestle और ICICI जैसी बड़ी कंपनियां स्पीक एशिया के साथ नहीं जुडी हैं. लेकिन Reebok , Adidas ,Thomas Cook , Levis , IFB , Gitanjali , Provogue जैसी कंपनियों ने GEN X  बाजार में पिछले 3 दिनों में इतना व्यापार किया है की ,उपभोक्ताओ को माल की डिलीवरी करने में इन्हें कई महीनो का वक़्त लगेगा. और ये कंपनियां अगर स्पीक एशिया से जुडी नहीं हैं तो ये वह क्या कर रही थी।
ये सारा बवेला तब उत्पन्न हुआ जब स्पीक एशिया के कुछ धुरंदरो और स्टार न्यूज़ के कुछ लोगो के बीच किसी बात को ले कर गरमा गरम बहस छिड गयी, और स्टार न्यूज़ ने इसे ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़ बना डाला ये पूरी न्यूज़ के पीछे R.M.P. ( real money power ) है R.M.P ने इस न्यूज़ को चलने के लिए स्टार न्यूज़ को पैसे दिए हैं 
स्टार न्यूज़ ने इसके लिए कुल 1 करोड़ 17 लाख रुपये  R.M.P से लिए हैं। कुछ स्पीक एशिया से जुड़े हुए पेनालिस्तो ने ये दावा किया है की उनके पास स्टार न्यूज़ और R.M.P के बीच केबिन में हुए समझौते की orignal recording है।

Regards : 
+91 9646888121

Headlines Today Praises Speak Asia

Now this is the news we have been looking for some time.
Having being reported by Star News, Aajtak and a press conference held by the Speak Asia board, just now Rahul Kanwal, senior executive, Headlines Today, one of the most watched English news channel has praised Speak Asia scheme and somewhat legitimated it by confirming that many of his office mates are also part of the schemes.
He also asked whether the scheme should be shut down when it is so popular. Many people are making money out of it and even media persons are part of it.
He first tweeted:
#SpeakAsia Deposit Rs 11000 & get Rs 48000 in 1yr! 436% return. HOW. 4 lakh investors on board, target 1 cr. Should scheme be shut down?”
He then added:
“Didn’t realise #SpeakAsia scheme was so popular till the time newsroom dipstick survey revealed that several of my teammates had signed up!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Press Conference Of Speak Asia Online To Be Held Today

After the allegation from Star News and Aaj Tak now Speak Asia is holding a Press conference in Mumbai. According to Star News Speak Asia is earning Rs.15 Crore per day as earning and there are about 15 Lakh Member in the Speak Asia Survey Company. We will try to post Video of Press conference of Speak Asia online. Speak Asia online has already Posted a Public Statement in there Website.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Who would you trust? Economic Times, a genuine brand for decades or Star News which is still trying to make its mark by some very funny news.

Some very funny news by star news:

speakasia response to star news

Although there is no concrete step by Speak Asia against the baseless news by Star News couple of days back, but nevertheless there is a new message from Ms Haren Kaur (Chairperson, Speak Asia) that legal actions will be taken against such attempts to malign the well earned image of Speak Asia and no stone would be left unturned to maintain the integrity of all Speak Asians.

Let’s see what action, how and when they take if they really have to prove themselves:
Here’s the official statement:

Dear Speak Asians,
I am sure that just like the team and management of Speak Asia you too must have viewed the motivated, misconceived and baseless news item relating to Speak Asia on Star News channel.
We are shocked to see the extremely malicious, derogatory and defamatory allegations levelled therein. The entire story appears to be planted by them due to a business rivalry with Speak Asia.
We would like to reassure all of you that there is no truth or substance in these unfounded allegations and necessary instructions have already been issued to take all possible legal actions against the channel.
Please be assured that we will not allow any organization or individual to impede and hamper the well-earned image, trust and respect of Speakasia and thereby attempt to impede its progress and growth. Such attempts will be met with the most stringent legal action.
As always we stand committed to our objectives, ideals and commitments and assure you of our continuous support.
With warm regards,
Haren (Harinder Kaur)

speak asia on aaj tak:media coverage gaining heights

I Wonder How ? I Wonder Why?
Everybody is after Speak Aisa bhai !!!
I am a Speak Asian and with the things which happened in last week everyone associated with Speak Asia as a panelist will be thinking on the same line. It becomes imperative that one thing should be kept in mind always that with so much high return on offer there was always going to be a risk involved. I, for one was always aware of such things but also knew that the concept is new and people will end up with something in their hand.
So much media coverage is being put on Speak Asia these days!! This all started with the Star News then why would Aaj Tak remain on the back foot when this is such a hot topic and will help in raising their TRP. One thing is common in the news they broadcasted, raising of concerns against joining Speak Asia but none seemed to offer straight forward proofs about its fraud. Speak Asia plans to respond to these next early week by having a press conference.
If such is the scale Speak Asia is working on, which is being termed as Fraud these days, why are not they coming up clean-chit proof to make people straight away from Speak Asia, this is causing a panic amongst all the panelists with Speak Asia no matter how small/big their investment is?
Speak Asia is not the first company to offer such high returns and grows with the concept of MLM, and is also not going to be a last one also. History suggests a number of companies which brought and worked with the concept of MLM. So, why everybody is after Speak Asia all of a sudden?
There can be few things to look at:
  1. Speak Asia is growing at a very rapid pace, so other companies which work using MLM have a risk on their potential growth and decreasing number of customers.
  2. If there are other companies who were thinking of introducing this survey concept using internet, Speak Asia was seen as a potential threat to their arrival in the market.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Speak asia news on star news channel

11th May 2011, Star News telecasted a report on Speak Asia which not only attracted criticism from Speak Asian members but also a praise from people who couldn’t understand the concept and hence couldn’t make money out of it.
Star news, over all, did not say it is a fraud, but said it might be a fraud. It did not say it would cheat people but said it might make people wonder when it disappears in thin air. So, the question really is will they vanish or will they continually make people earn through their unique model.
I remember Labnol (www.labnol.org), a leading technical blogger wrote few points about it being fraud but within few days he removed the post. Why?? I asked him why, but he never replied back. Another blogger of his status just replied me in private that he either might have taken a lot of money from Speak Asia or might have been wrong in his analysis. I am not sure a person of his stature would just remove his analysis for few dollars, but, as per me, he might have been legally threatened to have defamed a well settled company or he was really wrong in his analysis. Money used in settling it out of judiciary, might be a possibility.
Again a month later few SMSs, Emails mentioning it being fraud started circulating and Speak Asia had to come out with the public notice that people who are involved in defaming Speak Asia would be legally taken care of.
But having been busy with the biggest fair of India GenX Bazaar at Goa with so many big brands, Star News displayed it notorious spirit to increase it TRP using the name Speak Asia which is now trending everywhere, not only in metropolitans but in small towns also where people are making huge money out of it.
My only questions are when Star News said big brands like Bata and ICICI are not associated with them, did they check out what all brands are associated with Speak Asia @ GenX bazaar and what they all are doing there.
Factually speaking, Star news does not have time to do so much of analysis and dig into it. It just heard something and made a news out of it. TRP is the motive.
There is also a news that “Actually there was some hot discussion between Star News and Bouncers in GenX bazzar, GOA. When repoters of Star News were stopped, they reacted and bouncers in security give stroke to one of them and that resulted in such “Breaking News” on STAR NEWS. Speak Asia will probably file case against Star News for defamation and they will run a scrolling Advt. in IPL matches also against such FAKE (STAR) NEWS.
Remember “Breaking News: Kanpur mein do kutto ne rachai shaadi, Kutte bhi gay hote hai“. That is their standard. Believe me. I don’t trust India TV, Star News and such channels who are flashing “Breaking News” 23 out of 24 hours (1 hour for server down :) )
Another think to mention here is that Star TV is itself launching a similar mlm concept. Check this out http://starpanel.startv.in. So what I understand is when they are themselves into it, they are doing this negative campaign about Speak Asia to demote them so that they can launch themselves.
Speak Asia is a company empowering consumers by letting them skip few leads and directly give their opinions to big companies which makes a difference.
I might be wrong in what I said but every opinion counts.