Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Dear Speakasians,

Dear Speakasians,
We are very happy to announce the distribution of all the rewards achieved by Speak Asians under various reward programmes. The process for same shall be as per the schedule given below:
  • Provogue Gift Voucher's: Provouge Gift Vouchers for the reward program Direct'ly on the TOP ( worth Rs. 10,000 ) are being sent to the HVP Distributors who will help in distributing these Gift vouchers Area Wise. The list of achievers will be displayed on the site along with detail of the distributor from whom they are supposed to collect the vouchers. All achievers are expected to contact and collect their gift Vouchers from the respective Distributor in their area. These vouchers then can be redeemed at the nearest Provouge store. (Click here to download the list of stores where the gift vouchers can be redeemed)
  • TVC Gift Article: Majority of panellists have already received their gifts . Many panellists have not confirmed the new gift which has to be replaced due to non availability of the originally ordered gift. The delivery of the same shall begin from 3rd of June 2011. The gifts are being door delivered at the addresses given by you in your SAOL profile. In case of any non receipt kindly feel free to call up the TVC help line no. given on their website : www.tvcskyshop.com
  • Lenovo Laptop: The vouchers will be sent to all winner who will collect the Laptops from delivery points of Lenovo from 20th June onwards. The details of the delivery points will be communicated shortly.
  • Singapore Trip: The Trip has been planned in the First week of July. All the qualified panelists shall shortly receive a mail on their email id's as given on the SAOL profile. This mail shall have details of the documents to be submitted and the address. There after all interested panelist shall have to be prepared to send the passport to the travel agent by 15th June. This will help to obtain the VISA by 30th June 2011. Likely date of travel is 7th July 2011.
  • Mobile Phone: Google Android based touch screen smart phones shall start reaching the panellists from 3rd week of June. Kindly be informed that there are more than 50,000 phone to be distributed hence it is a time and effort consuming process. 4500 phones shall be door delivered on a weekly basis to assure completion . The panellists shall receive it in the order of qualification from the start date of reward programme.
  • TV Sets: As committed, the order for the TV sets have been placed. There is good news and we are sure the panellists are sure to appreciate that instead of 32" LCD TV the paneliests will receive 32" LED TV and the Distribution of TV sets will begin in the first week of July.
  • Cars: The car achievers are requested to forward the details of the nearest car distributors of the category achieved via their area managers.
Please note that the 'Send Me Cash' requests made during the period 13th May 2011 – till date have been reverted and added back to the Ewallet or Survey Ewallet of the ID .
Team SpeakAsia

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